Number 7 सप्त
Number | Sanskrit Term | Transliteration | Sanskrit List | Transliteration | Meaning | Citation |
7 | सप्त व्याहृति | sapta vyAhRuti (7 mystic words depicting 7 upper worlds of existence. the 1st three are called mahAvyAkRutis ) | भू: भुव: सुव: मह: जन: तप: सत्यम् | bhoo: bhuva: suva: maha: jana: tapa: satyam | the physical earth plane atmosphere and sun heaven beyond sun abode of sages abode of sons of Brahma abode of dieties doing tapas abode of truth | Rig Ved-1-164-46 |
7 | सप्त छन्दस् | sapta Chandas (The 7 main vedic meters) | गायत्री उष्णिक् अनुष्टुप् बृहती पङ्क्ति त्रिष्टुप् जगती | gaayatree uSHNik anuSHTup bruhatee panktee triSHTup jagatee | 3 padas of 8 syllables each = 24 syllables 4 padas of 7syllables each = 28 syllables 4 padas of 8syllables each = 32 syllables 4 pada (8+8+12+8) = 36 syllables 4 padas totalling 40 syllables 4 padas of 11 syllables each = 44 4 padas of 12 syllables each = 48 | Atharva Veda - kANDa 19, anuvAka 3, Hymn 21 |
7 | सप्त जिह्व | sapta jihva - 7 tongues of flames equivalent to the seven horses of the sun | काली कराली मनोजव सुलोहिता सुधूम्रवर्णा स्फुलिंगिनी विश्वरूपी / विश्वरुची | kAlee karAlee manojava sulohitA sudhoomravarNA sphulinginee vishvaroopee or vishwaruchee | Black Terrific As fast as the mind Red Purple Spark emitting Universal type | |
7 | सप्त वायु | sapta vAyu | आवहन् प्रवहन् उद्वहन् संवहन् विवहन् परिवहन् परावहन् | Avahan pravahan udvahan samvahan vivahan parivahan parAvahan | This current helps in making the clouds float This current becomes life itself as prANa This causes evaporation of water into clouds This moves around the clouds and causes precipitation This current shatters clouds and breaks them. This current sustains the akAsh ganga- the heavenly bodies This current overtakes everything at the time of the end of kalpa. | |
7 | सप्त धातु | sapta dhaatus | रस रक्त मांस मेदस् अस्थि मज्जा शुक्र | rasa rakta maamsa medas asthi majjaa shukra | Chyle, plasma, interstitial fluid Blood, erythrocytes Flesh, muscle-tissue Fat, adipose tissue Bone tissue Bone marrow Glandular secretions | |
7 | सप्त (ऊर्ध्व) लोक | sapta lOka (oordhva)- the 6 higher planes/ worlds. plus earth being called the madhya lOkA | भूः लोक भुवः लोक स्वर् लोक महः लोक जनः लोक तपः लोक सत्य लोक | bhoo: loka bhuva: loka svar/suva: loka maha: loka jana: loka tapa: loka satya/satyam loka | 1.Earth 2. Sky, atmosphere 3. Heaven-between sun and polar star 4. abode of sages/enlightened beings 5. abode of sons of brahmA 6. abode of tapas or other dieties. 7.abode of the ultimate reality, Truth | |
7 | सप्त (अधो)लोक | sapta lOka (adhO) - the lower planes/ worlds | अतल वितल सुतल तलातल महातल रसातल पाताल | atala vitala sutala talAtala mahAtala rasaatala paataala or nAgalOka | 1.Ruled by bAla, a son of MAya 2. Ruled by God Harabhava. Regions from here down are full of gold. 3.Ruled by King Mahabali. 4. Ruled by mAyA. 5. Ruled by manyhooded nAgas,the sons of Kadru 6. dAnavas and daityas. 7. Region of the nAgAs ruled by vAsukis | |
7 | सप्त नरक | sapta naraka - seven hells | पुत् अवीचि संहत तमिस्र ऋजीष कुड्मल काकोल | put aveechi samhata tamisra rujeeSHa kudmala kakOla | childless waveless abandoned darkness expelled leprous black poison | |
7 | सप्त किरण | sapta kiraNa - 7 rays of the sun | जय अजय विजय जित प्राण जित क्रम मनोजप जित क्रोध | jaya ajaya vijaya jita praaNa jita krama manOjapa jita krOdha | ||
7 | सप्त चक्र | sapta chakra - 7 chakras or energy centres | मूलाधार स्वाधिष्ठान मणिपूर अनाहत विशुद्ध आज्ञा सहस्रार | moolAdhAra svAdhiSHTHAna maNipoora anAhata vishuddha ajna sahasrAra | Base of Spine, Sacral Plexus 1st Lumbar Vertebra,Gastric Plexus 8th Thoracic Vertebra,Solar Plexus 7th Cervical Vertebra, Cardiac Plexus 3rd Cervical Vertebra,Pharangeal Plexus Point between eyebrows Centre of the top of the head |